Web based logbook
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Service Unavailable

9th march
At last, we have the new virtual server.   
The DNS server has been purchased, switching on the new server will take place within 48 hours

7th march
72 hours have passed. If I had know the real timetable then I could use a different type of migration.   

6th march
48 hours have passed. The server upgrade is not yet available.   

5th march
Waiting ISP to setup the more powerful server.

4th march
The new virtual server is not enough powerful to host HRDLOG.net   
Another more powerful server (and more expensive) has been requested.
ISP promise that the upgrade will be made in 24/48 hours, also during the weekend.

2nd march
Installing the new server.

28th february
HRDLOG.net is still down.

27th february
I decided to buy a virtual server on which to host HRDLOG.net.

26th february
Apologize, HRDLOG.net is down.
The ISP has not given me an indication on the recovery time.

The costs are high, the service will remain free then I trust in your donations.



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